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Health Articles

Feb 28, 20213 min read
Christmas Cinnamon Fruit Salad 圣诞大餐 - 水果沙拉
Combining cooling fruits with warm-natured fruits can bring about a balance and enhance the overall taste of a fruit salad.

Feb 28, 20213 min read
"Lung Nourishing" Beauty Recipe 润肺养颜的美容食物
This recipe replenishes Yin, nourishes the Lungs, and is used to moisturise and whiten skin

Feb 28, 20213 min read
Calming and Fat-Burning Tea for Mooncakes 中秋月圆好睡眠
Due to its fat-burning reputation and its ability to promote digestion, lotus leaves are commonly used as a dieting tea to combat greasiness

Feb 28, 20213 min read
Healthy Teas to Match Your Mooncakes 中秋月饼吃出健康
Is there a guilt-free way to enjoy mooncakes?

Feb 28, 20213 min read
White Jelly Fungus Lung Nourishing Soup 银耳润肺汤
The white jelly fungus lung nourishing soup is highly suitable for those with chronic dry cough due to a weaker body constitution.

Feb 28, 20213 min read
Sugarcane and Chinese Yam Paste 蔗汁山药糊
Sugarcane and Chinese yam paste: highly suitable for those with chronic cough and asthma associated with weak lungs and spleen.

Feb 18, 20213 min read
Lily and Honey Soup 百年好合
Part 1 of 3: Lily and Honey soup is a moisturising dish that is suitable for those with more pronounced signs of dryness, e.g. dry cough.

Feb 12, 20213 min read
11 different ways to consume wolfberries (Goji berries) 十一种食枸杞子的方式
We share with you the health benefits of wolfberries and list 11 different ways you can consume them.

Feb 11, 20212 min read
German Christmas wine with TCM herbs 以中药为主的德式圣诞红酒
Christmas wine is a popular warm Christmas drink in Europe, made with red wine, citrus juices and some incredibly fragrant spices.

Feb 11, 20214 min read
Chinese herbs in Christmas meals 圣诞餐常用的中药材料
Many Christmas dishes are made with similar herbs and spices, and believe it or not, some of these herbs and spices are actually used in TCM

Feb 11, 20213 min read
Snow fungus, date and wolfberry soup 银耳大枣枸杞子汤
Snow fungus is well known for its properties of replenishing Yin (the cool and moist aspect) and moisturising the body.

Jan 25, 20213 min read
Roasted Herbal Emperor Chicken 烘烤皇帝鸡
This dish is, quite literally, fit for a king. The recipe produces a smooth, glistening herbal gravy that goes brilliantly well rice.

Jan 25, 20213 min read
Get beautiful by eating 饮食美容
Since many TCM herbs are often consumed as food in Chinese cuisine, we pick out some of these secret ingredients from the book.

Jan 23, 20214 min read
Brain booster 你在伤脑筋吗?
Here, we briefly explain how both TCM and modern science can be used to support brain function, and share with you some helpful food items.

Jan 23, 20214 min read
Teas for your Mooncakes 中秋节饮茶
What teas should you take this mid-autumn festival to match with your mooncakes?

Jan 23, 20213 min read
Tasty Oat and Corn Breakfast 燕麦玉米早餐 - 令人垂涎三尺!
Looking for a breakfast that is wholesome, delicious, yet simple to prepare for the whole family?

Jan 19, 20213 min read
Herbal black chicken soup for hair and beauty 乌发养颜乌鸡汤
This recipe strengthens your kidneys and liver, and replenishes your Qi (vital energy) and blood to encourage darker hair.

Jan 19, 20213 min read
Are all TCM herbs suitable for everyone? 是否每个人都适合服各种中药 ?
Here, we list 3 common medical conditions that require using TCM herbs with caution.

Jan 19, 20211 min read
How aloe vera is really cool 芦荟如何的清凉解热
Contrary to what you taste in canned aloe vera juice drinks, pure aloe vera juice is actually quite bitter tasting. As mentioned in our...

Jan 19, 20211 min read
Why are some TCM concoctions so bitter? 为什么有些中药汤剂会那么苦?
The properties of TCM herbs are closely related to their taste. A sweet herb works differently from a bitter herb.
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