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Christmas Cinnamon Fruit Salad 圣诞大餐 - 水果沙拉

Christmas Cinnamon Fruit Salad

Though a fruit salad is not traditionally the main dish of a celebratory meal, it can still be the star of the evening with its eye-catching rainbow colours and a perfect balance of a sweet and sour. According to TCM, most fruits are cooling in nature. Over consumption of cooling food may hamper the digestive system and cause bloating, poor digestion, stomach-ache, watery stools etc.

Therefore, combining cooling fruits with warm-natured fruits can bring about a balance and enhance the overall taste of a fruit salad. Examples of warm-natured foods that fit well in a fruit salad are longan, pomegranate, cherry, lychee, cinnamon powder, ginger powder etc.

Christmas Cinnamon Fruit Salad

Ingredients (Serves 4 people)

Kiwi (2) Strawberry (10) Banana (1) Lychee (10) Plain Yoghurt (150ml) Cinnamon powder (1 teaspoon)

Cooking Instructions

  1. Remove peels from banana, kiwis, and cut into cubes

  2. Cut strawberries into halves.

  3. Remove peel and seed from lychee and cut into half

  4. Place all cut fruits into a bowl.

  5. Add yoghurt and cinnamon powder, mix well, and the fruit salad is ready to be served!

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Nature: Warm

Functions: Replenish Spleen and Liver, Nourishing Blood and Qi, Nourishes the Mind, Clears the skin.

Lychee is rich in vitamin C, protein and natural glucose. It may help tackle insomnia, forgetfulness, fatigue, as well as improve immunity. Lychee may also promote circulation within fine blood vessels, prevent freckles, and contribute to smoother and clearer skin.


Nature: Cool.

Functions: Clears heat and replenishes fluids, Harmonises the Stomach.

Studies have shown that kiwi contains glutathione, which may have anti-mutagenic effects and anti-cancer effects. Kiwifruit is rich in arginine, which can effectively improve blood circulation. Kiwi also contains serotonin, which helps with stabilizing the mood and calming the mind. Research has shown that kiwi may help in fighting diabetes.


Nature: Cool.

Functions: Nourishes Lungs and Reduces Phlegm.

Strawberries contain a variety of organic acids and pectin, and may promote gastrointestinal motility. They are also rich in antioxidants.


Nature: Cool.

Functions: Clears heat and toxins, Strengthens Stomach, Replenishes Fluids, Nourish Yin and Moisten Lungs, Moistens Bowels.

Bananas may help combat acid reflux and may provide relief for irritation of the digestive tract lining. Bananas are rich in potassium, which helps lower blood pressure. Bananas are also rich in magnesium may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Cinnamon powder

Nature: Hot

Functions: Replenishes Yang, Expels Cold and Reduces Pain, Warms the Meridians and Promotes Circulation.

Apart from anti-inflammatory properties, cinnamon also contains cinnamaldehyde, which has analgesic effects. Glycosides from cinnamon may have therapeutic effects against gastric-ulcers. Tannins in cinnamon also has astringent effects and may combat watery stools or diarrhea.



中医认为水果多属凉性,服食过量会使肠胃虚寒,导致消化功能弱,吸收力差,腹胀便溏等问题。若在配搭水果沙拉上加入桂圆,石榴,樱桃,荔枝,肉桂粉或姜粉 等温性食物,不只能缓和水果寒凉的性质,也给水果沙拉增添了特别的口味。



猕猴桃(2个) 草莓(10颗) 芒果(1颗) 香蕉(1条) 荔枝(10颗) 纯酸奶(150ml) 肉桂粉(1 茶匙)


  1. 把香蕉和猕猴桃分别去皮,切成小块。

  2. 葡萄和草莓切半。

  3. 荔枝去皮,去核,切半。

  4. 把切好的水果放在碗中,加入酸奶,撒上肉桂粉,拌均即可享用。



性微温,生津止渴,补脾益肝, 养血理气,养神健脑, 洁肤祛斑。 现代研究显示,荔枝含丰富维生素C,高蛋白质,有改善失眠、健忘、力疲神倦和提高免疫力等作用。荔枝能促进细微血管的血液循环,防止雀斑,使皮肤光滑洁亮。


性寒,清热生津,和胃降逆,利尿通淋。 现代研究显示,猕猴桃中的谷胱甘肽有抗突变和抑癌作用。猕猴桃含丰富的精氨酸,能有效改善血液流通。所含血清素具有稳定情绪,镇静心情的作用。猕猴桃还含有大量的天然糖醇类物肌醇,能有效地调节糖代谢。


性凉,润肺化痰。 含多种有机酸和果胶类物质,能促进肠胃蠕动,也富含抗氧化物。


性寒,能清热解毒,益胃生津,养阴润肺,滑肠通便。 香蕉有降低胃酸,对胃溃疡有一定的保护功效。钾盐有降血压作用,香蕉中的镁盐,对心血管系统有很好的保护作用。


性大热,补火助阳,温中散寒,温肾暖脾,温通经脉,引火归原。 肉桂为圣诞常用的中药材。肉桂含发挥油,能促进消化液分泌,排除胃肠内气体,肉桂中的桂皮苷有抗溃疡作用,桂皮醛有镇定和镇痛作用;桂皮酸有抗炎作用,桂皮中的鞣质有收敛和止泻作用。


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