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Brain booster 你在伤脑筋吗?

Updated: Jan 25, 2021

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School exams are just around the corner! Apart from studying hard and studying smart, eating the right foods can help give you that extra edge as well.

Here, we briefly explain how both TCM and modern science can be used to support brain function, and share with you some food items that can help to boost your brain power.

How eating well helps

How nutrition can help

To support the increased usage of the brain, one can take in food with more specific nutrients that the brain requires, such as lecithin, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, zinc, specific amino acids etc. Examples of foods with these nutrients are shown below.

In addition, one must not downplay the importance of maintaining a healthy and well-balanced diet during exams, as it not only provides the nutrients one needs to function at peak performance, it also reduces the risk of illness during this crucial period.

This means that having instant noodles every meal is not really a good idea.

How TCM can help your brain

While the brain in TCM may be associated with multiple organs, it is most closely related to the “kidneys”. Herbs and food that nourish the “kidneys” (such as sesame seeds and walnuts) are often used to improve brain power. Other examples of food items that help increase brain power include peanuts and eggs.


Black sesame seeds

In TCM, black sesame is used to nourish the kidneys and benefit the brain. They can also lubricate the bowels to prevent constipation.

From a nutritional point of view, black sesame seeds contain lecithin, which is known to support brain function.


  • Add black sesame seeds to any dish as a topping to add colour, flavour and nutrition

  • Black sesame seed powder bought from supermarkets can be mixed with water or milk to make a delicious drink.


Like black sesame seeds, walnuts have the TCM properties of nourishing the kidneys, supporting brain function and preventing constipation as well.

Walnuts are well known brain food as they are excellent sources of vitamin E and omega 3 oils, which can support brain health.


  • Eat alone as a snack

  • Add to breakfast cereals

  • Bake in cakes and bread, or use as a topping

  • Add to salads during lunch or dinner for an extra crunch


Peanuts are rich in protein, vitamin E and zinc, which are important nutrients for the brain. Prolonged intake of peanuts is believed to improve memory. Moreover, in TCM, peanuts are believed to replenish one’s Qi (vital energy).


  • Peanuts are great as studying snacks, though try not to over-indulge in the roasted or fried variety as they may cause dryness and heatiness.

  • Peanut powder can be used as a topping in all sorts of dishes such as stir-fried meat or vegetables, fruit and yoghurt, cereal, oats, dessert etc.


Apart from being packed with proteins, eggs also contain DHA and lecithin, all of which can benefit the brain. As a bonus, eggs also have a variety of vitamins such as vitamin A, B1, B2 and E.


  • Apart from the usual ways of preparing eggs, one can also boil soybean milk and an egg together for a delicious drink in the morning. However, do make sure they are cooked thoroughly.






多吃含有卵磷脂,欧米加3油,维生素E,锌,特定氨基酸等的食物可辅助大脑功能。此外,维持平衡的生活饮食,不单只能补充考试高峰期所需的营养,更能避免因营养不良而在关键时期病倒。 快餐或方便面在此时将是不明智的选择。





黑芝麻能补肾益智, 还能润肠通便。现代营养学发现到黑芝麻其实含有健脑的卵磷脂。


  • 炒熟黑芝麻可加入任何菜肴以增加口感和营养

  • 从超市场购买的黑芝麻粉能加入水或牛奶泡成饮料




  • 可当健康零食

  • 加入早餐麦片

  • 与蛋糕或面包一起烘烤

  • 加入沙拉菜以增加口感和营养


花生的蛋白质,维生素E,及锌含量较高。 多食花生可改善记忆力。并且花生也有补气的作用。


  • 花生是书生们的健康良伴,但过度食用烘烤或油炸类的花生可使身体燥热,故食用适量为止。

  • 花生粉可加入各菜肴以增加口感,如加入炒干肉,或伴酸乳酪水果,燕麦粥,甜品等。




  • 加入甜豆浆一起煮熟, 将成为富有蛋白质的美味早餐饮料。

日常生活食品对健康均各有益,偏食或因营养成分高而食用过量绝非养生良策, 故保持平衡的饮食及恰量为佳。


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