Chinese New Year Problems & Remedies 农历新年普遍的健康状况及疗法
Here are some easy TCM tips and teas to help you make the best of your Chinese New Year holiday.
Chinese New Year Problems & Remedies 农历新年普遍的健康状况及疗法
7 important health indicators you need to notice (Part 2) 七种常被忽视的健康指标(二)
7 important health indicators you need to notice (Part 1) 七种常被忽视的健康指标(一)
What is your body type? 您是属于哪一种体质的人?
How does a TCM practitioner diagnose using the pulse? (Part 2) 中医师如何把脉诊病?(二)
How does a TCM practitioner diagnose using the pulse? (Part 1) 中医师如何把脉诊病?(一)
Not feeling well, yet not feeling ill? 身体感觉不适,但又查不出病来吗?
What is Yin and Yang? 阴阳是什么?
Are all TCM herbs suitable for everyone? 是否每个人都适合服各种中药 ?
What it means when you have a bitter taste in your mouth 口中有苦味代表什么?
3 common types of pain in TCM and what they mean 常见的三种疼痛性质
Avoid cold drinks to prevent future health complications 避免冷饮将可减少未来的并发症