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What is your body type? 您是属于哪一种体质的人?

Updated: Feb 28, 2021

Many different people sitting at a stadium

In TCM, each individual's body type is evident from one's physical signs and symptoms, behaviour and personality.

By knowing your own body constitution, you can select the food and herbs that can best balance your body to attain better health and wellness. For example, a person with a Qi deficient body type (easily tired, falls ill easily), can take Qi replenishing food and herbs like dates or ginseng, to bring the body back to a balanced state, and through this improve one's energy level and immunity.

Below are some of the common body types. Do note that you may have a combination of different body constitutions.

1. Balanced

Signs & Symptoms

  • Fit and healthy body, radiant appearance, healthy hair

  • Sufficient energy, good appetite

  • Cheerful attitude, seldom falls ill

Suitable Herbs & Food

  • Take light and neutral food (e.g. rice, cabbage, cauliflower, pork etc.) and avoid excessive tonics to maintain balanced body

2. Qi Deficient

Signs & Symptoms

  • Easily tired, soft and small voice, shortness of breath

  • Perspire spontaneously

  • Falls ill easily, prone to cold and flu

Suitable Herbs & Food

  • Ginseng (人参 Rén Shēn)

  • Chinese Yam (山药 Shān Yào )

  • Red dates (大枣 Dà Zǎo)

3. Blood Deficiency

Signs & Symptoms

  • Pale face, lips & nails, dry skin

  • Prone to dizziness, insomnia with frequent dreaming

  • Prone to light or missing periods in women

Suitable Herbs & Food

  • Chinese Angelica (当归 Dāng Guī )

  • Longan (龙眼肉 Lóng Yǎn Ròu )

  • Red dates (大枣 Dà Zǎo)

4. Yang Deficiency (Cold)

Signs & Symptoms

  • Fear of cold, cold hands and feet

  • Seldom thirsty, frequent colourless urination

  • Preference for warm food and drinks

  • Prone to being less active and outgoing

Suitable Herbs & Food

  • Ginger (姜 Jiāng)

  • Cinnamon (肉桂 Ròu Guì)

  • Mutton (羊肉 Yáng Ròu)

  • Avoid cold food e.g. ice cream, or cooling food e.g. banana, green tea etc.

5. Yin Deficiency (Dry and hot)

Signs & Symptoms

  • Dry skin, dry mouth, often thirsty, thin body

  • Hot flushes, night sweats, hot palms and soles

  • Prone to being impatient or irritable, more active and outgoing

Suitable Herbs & Food

  • Lily Bulb (百合 Bǎi Hé)

  • Snow fungus (银耳 Yín Ěr)

  • Wolfberry (枸杞子 Gǒu Qǐ Zi)

  • Avoid heaty foods such as chili, lychee etc.

6. Excessive Yang (Hot)

Signs & Symptoms

  • Bright red tongue, may have red face

  • Bitter taste in mouth, bad breath

  • Often have sore throat, mouth ulcers

  • Often thirsty, dark yellow & infrequent urination

  • Prone to being impatient or irritable, more active and outgoing

Suitable Herbs & Food

  • Chrysanthemum (菊花 Jú Huā)

  • Green bean (绿豆 Lǜ Dòu)

  • Aloe vera (芦荟 Lú Hui)

  • Green tea (绿茶 Lǜ Chá)

7. Phlegm-Dampness

Signs & Symptoms

  • Thick tongue coating, sticky feeling in mouth

  • Feeling of heaviness in the body

  • Prone to obesity

Suitable Herbs & Food

  • Chinese barley (薏米 Yì Mǐ )

  • Poria (茯苓 Fú Líng)

  • Hyacinth bean (白扁豆 Bái Biǎn Dòu)

  • Avoid sweet, fatty food

8. Damp heat

Signs & Symptoms

  • Oily skin, prone to having pimples

  • Dense yellow coating on tongue

  • Bitter taste in mouth, bad breath

  • Sticky stools

Suitable Herbs & Food

  • Chinese barley (薏米 Yì Mǐ)

  • Winter melon (冬瓜 Dōng Guā)

  • Cucumber (黄瓜 Huáng Guā)

  • Avoid oily or rich food

9. Blood stasis

Signs & Symptoms

  • Darker lips, darker complexion on face

  • May have dry, scaly, rough skin

  • Easily frustrated

Suitable Herbs & Food

  • Chinese Angelica (当归 Dāng Guī )

  • Chinese Hawthorn (山楂 Shān Zhā)

  • Rose (玫瑰花 Méi Guī Huā)

10. Qi stasis

Signs & Symptoms

  • Easily nervous, emotionally sensitive

  • May have stuffiness or pain in the ribs or chest

  • Prone to depression, anxiety, neurological disorders

Suitable Herbs & Food

  • Mandarin peel (陈皮 Chén Pí)

  • Chinese thorowax (柴胡 Chái Hú)

  • Rose (玫瑰花 Méi Guī Huā)

Since every TCM herb has its own unique property, the herbs within the same category, as listed above, can still differ from one another. When in doubt, it is best to consult your TCM physician to find out the most suitable lifestyle changes or herbal supplements for you.







  • 体形健壮,面色红润,毛发浓密

  • 精力充足,食欲好

  • 性格开朗,不易生病


  • 多食清淡,平性食物(如米,白菜,菜花,猪肉等),而不随意或过度进补,以维持平衡体质



  • 疲乏无力,声音弱小,气短

  • 自汗

  • 容易生病,感冒


  • 人参

  • 山药

  • 大枣



  • 脸白唇淡,甲色浅淡,皮肤干燥

  • 头晕,不易入眠且多梦

  • 女子月经量少或闭经


  • 当归

  • 龙眼肉

  • 大枣



  • 怕冷,手脚容易冰冷

  • 不感到口渴,但多尿且颜色淡

  • 喜热饮食

  • 喜静少动


  • 肉桂

  • 羊肉

  • 忌冰冷食品(如冰淇凌),或寒性食物(如香蕉,绿茶等)



  • 皮肤干燥,口燥口渴,形体消瘦

  • 潮热盗汗,手足心热

  • 易急躁,喜动好强


  • 百合

  • 银耳

  • 枸杞子

  • 忌热性食物(如辣椒,荔枝等)



  • 舌偏红,可有面部红赤

  • 口中有苦味,口臭

  • 易咽痛,易生口疮

  • 多感口渴,少尿且色黄

  • 易急躁,喜动好强


  • 菊花

  • 绿豆

  • 芦荟

  • 绿茶



  • 舌苔厚腻,口中黏腻

  • 肢体困重

  • 体形易肥胖


  • 薏苡仁/薏米

  • 茯苓

  • 白扁豆

  • 忌甘甜肥腻食物



  • 面部偏油,易生粉刺

  • 舌苔黄腻

  • 口中有苦味,口臭

  • 大便黏滞


  • 薏苡仁/薏米

  • 冬瓜

  • 黄瓜

  • 忌油腻食物



  • 面、唇色暗

  • 皮肤易粗燥

  • 易烦躁


  • 当归

  • 山楂

  • 玫瑰花



  • 易紧张,情绪较敏感

  • 可有胸闷,两胁痛

  • 易患抑郁症,焦虑症,神经功能症


  • 陈皮

  • 柴胡

  • 玫瑰花

以上所列之中药材,乃属一般用于平衡身体寒热虚实的种类。然而, 中药材本身各有其特色,就算是同类药, 其功效特性仍然有所差异。 故此,服用中药之前,先请教中医师 诊断出体质状况为慎。


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