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7 important health indicators you need to notice (Part 2) 七种常被忽视的健康指标(二)

Updated: Feb 28, 2021

Doctor speaking to patient

Recap: In TCM, seemingly minor details such as mood, urine, stools etc. can reveal important information about your health condition. Knowing what details to take note of can help you and your TCM practitioner understand your body condition better.

4) Thirst

Our thirst level and drinking habits can reveal insights about the heatiness / coolness of our body or how well our body regulates fluids.

For example, a person who often feels thirsty may have excess heat and one with a lack of thirst may have cold or dampness.

Things to notice:

Frequency of thirst

  • Do you feel thirsty easily?

Characteristic of thirst

  • Do you prefer cold or warm drinks?

  • Do you continue to feel thirsty even after drinking?

  • Do you have no desire to drink despite feeling thirsty?

5) Appetite and digestion

Our appetite and digestion can give a good indication of the health of our spleen, stomach, intestines etc. Any issues in our digestion may be due to imbalances in these organs.

For example, bloating easily after a meal may indicate a weak spleen or poor flow of Qi in the digestive tract.

Things to notice:

  • How large is your appetite?

  • Do you get bloated easily?

  • Is there pain or discomfort in your abdomen?

  • Do you notice any unusual taste or odour in your mouth?

6) Sleep quality

Many people with sleep problems tend to brush them aside until it becomes a serious issue. The good news is that TCM places much emphasis on sleep quality and has treatment methods to promote better sleep.

Here are some things you should note about your sleep that may assist in the diagnosis:

  • Is your sleep deep enough?

  • Do you dream frequently or remember your dreams often when you wake up?

  • Do you have trouble falling asleep or do you wake up halfway through the night?

7) Feeling cold/warm easily

While a warm or cold sensation in the body may not seem particularly threatening to one’s health, it is often an accompanying symptom of an imbalanced Yin-Yang level. If one’s Yin and Yang level is imbalanced, many other health complications may result.

The characteristics of the warm / cold sensation can help to further pin-point the root of the problem. For example, feeling cold easily in the waist and knees may indicate Yang deficiency in the kidneys. This may lead to complications in the long run such as lack of energy, urinary incontinence, diarrhea, or even infertility.

Things to notice:

  • Does your body feel cold / warm easily?

  • Is the feeling of heat in the body more intense at a particular timing (e.g. in the afternoon or at night)?

  • Is there a specific part of your body that feels particular warm / cold (e.g. cold waist and knees, cold hands and feet, hot hands and soles etc.)?


上期内容:许多生活上不起眼的细节如口渴,胃口,情绪,尿液等均可成为您的健康指标。 多观察此些细节可助于医师更了解您的健康状况。






  • 你会容易口渴吗?


  • 你偏喜欢饮冷水还是温水?

  • 饮水后还会感到口渴吗?

  • 你会口渴但不欲饮水吗?




  • 你的食欲如何?

  • 你会经常腹胀吗?

  • 你的腹部有疼痛或其他不舒吗?

  • 你的口里是否有异常味道?




  • 你觉得你够熟睡吗?

  • 你常做梦吗?

  • 你不易入眠还是易醒?


身体怕冷,怕热或发热的感觉可反映体内阴阳的不平衡,而阴阳失调可导致许多其他杂病。 知道身体寒热感觉的性质可助于诊断。例如腰部及膝盖感觉寒冷多因肾阳虚,而肾阳虚持久可导致乏力,遗尿,泄泻,不孕等问题。


  • 身体会有怕冷,怕热或发热的感觉吗?

  • 发热感觉会不会在某时较显著(例如下午/夜间)?

  • 身体有没有某部分较寒/热(如腰膝寒冷,手脚冰冷,手足心发热等)?


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