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Health Articles

Jan 23, 20214 min read
What is Yin and Yang? 阴阳是什么?
What is Yin Yang and how is it applied to the human body?

Jan 19, 20213 min read
Herbal black chicken soup for hair and beauty 乌发养颜乌鸡汤
This recipe strengthens your kidneys and liver, and replenishes your Qi (vital energy) and blood to encourage darker hair.

Jan 19, 20213 min read
Are all TCM herbs suitable for everyone? 是否每个人都适合服各种中药 ?
Here, we list 3 common medical conditions that require using TCM herbs with caution.

Jan 19, 20214 min read
How does acupuncture work and what exactly are meridians and acupoints? 针灸如何产生疗效?经络及穴位又是什么呢?
Why does the TCM practitioner insert a needle into my arm if he/she is treating my insomnia?

Jan 19, 20212 min read
What does acupuncture actually feel like? 针灸的感觉如何?
Here is a breakdown of what you may feel during the different stages of the treatment process.

Jan 19, 20211 min read
What it means when you have a bitter taste in your mouth 口中有苦味代表什么?
If you have woken up with a bitter taste in the mouth before, this is a common symptom of heatiness in TCM.

Jan 19, 20213 min read
3 common types of pain in TCM and what they mean 常见的三种疼痛性质
Knowing how to describe the pain can help you diagnose your condition more accurately.

Jan 19, 20211 min read
How aloe vera is really cool 芦荟如何的清凉解热
Contrary to what you taste in canned aloe vera juice drinks, pure aloe vera juice is actually quite bitter tasting. As mentioned in our...

Jan 19, 20211 min read
Why are some TCM concoctions so bitter? 为什么有些中药汤剂会那么苦?
The properties of TCM herbs are closely related to their taste. A sweet herb works differently from a bitter herb.

Jan 19, 20211 min read
Avoid cold drinks to prevent future health complications 避免冷饮将可减少未来的并发症
Why it is best to avoid cold drinks in TCM.

Jan 19, 20211 min read
Roses - a gift of health for Mother's Day 玫瑰花 - 母亲节最佳的礼物
Did you know that roses can improve the mood of a lady not just by it's visual beauty, but also by it's medicinal properties?

Jan 19, 20211 min read
Longans - Sweet, nourishing, beautifying 香甜、滋补与美容的龙眼肉
What is the medicinal value of longans?
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