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Physician Details
Zhang Ying Ling

Zhang Ying Ling



Sin Kang TCM Clinic (100 AM) 张玲中医诊所 (100AM)

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Sin Kang TCM Clinic (Paya Lebar Square) 张玲中医诊所 (巴耶利峇广场)

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Sin Kang TCM Clinic (Star Vista) 张玲中医诊所 (星悅汇)

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出身于医学世家,毕业于中医专科学校。有超过三十年中医临床经验,熟悉西医,精通中医,尤其对各种痛症非常有心得,主治脊椎性疾病 (颈肩背疼痛,腰椎间盘突出),头晕头痛,五十肩,关节痛,风湴关节疼痛等等,能做到用针少,见效快,甚至做到“一针见效”的显著效果。另外,对于妇科、肠胃病、减肥症,脸部美容(如眼袋/皮肤松驰等)也很善长
Raised in a medical family, Physician Zhang has more than 30 years of clinical experience in Chinese medicine. She is familiar with Western medicine and proficient in traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture. Over the years, she has gathered much experience with joint pain diseases such as Frozen Shoulders, arthritis, rheumatism, etc., and can also achieve the remarkable effect of an improvement in mobility under her treatment for such diseases. Furthermore, she is good at TCM gynaecology and facial beauty (such as eye bags reduction, etc).



Internal Medicine 内科
Acupuncture 针灸
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